Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Aurden and Azoulf Correction!

CEO Joseph has correctly pointed out that this blog made some mistakes in recent entries. We hereby correct the spelling of the names of characters: Aurden is spelled AURDEN and Azoulf is spelled AZOULF. Thank goodness that we have Joseph keeping an eye on this sort of thing!
If it looks like there is a resemblance between Aurden and Azoulf, there is! They look somewhat alike because they are related. Azoulf Bocker is Aurden's father.

Monday, May 15, 2006


CEO Joseph, Pappa Azoulf (Phil) and Bill Gates

5/14/2006 6:00:04 P.M. Pacific Standard Time
Kwerghny Brothers On-Line Newspaper
Sent from the Internet (Details)

A BioPoem about Bill Gates

By Joseph and Phillip Berry
May 15, 2006

Born in Washington,
Bill Gates thought it would be fun
to write software for machines
starting while still in his teens.
He moved to Albuquerque,
and did a lot of work-e.
Microsoft was born,
since then earning praise and scorn.
He earned a lot of money
for Melinda French his honey,
writing Windows, Access, Word,
Becoming like a software lord.
In fact as I write this thing,
I hail the “Software King,”
Because without his software Zen,
I might have had to use a pen.

General Note from Jules: Joseph had to do a "bio poem" as part of his biography project. He chose to read a biography of Bill Gates. Go figure.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


The Movie: Not Animation, But Real Actors

Exciting news for Kwerghny Brothers fans: The upcoming movie, which will be based upon CEO Joseph's new book will not be animated. Instead it will have real actors! Arden Bocker will be played by Ray Park. Ardens father, Azouls Bocker, will be played by Mark Hamill.
Arden Bocker doesn't use numchucks. He is too strong for them and besides, Arden uses the force. Azouls does use numchucks. Arden has brown hair that sticks up like braids. Azouls has long fray hair pulled in back into a pony tail (but not the kind of pony tail that girls wear! Certainly not.)
Stay tuned for more thrilling developments.

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