Monday, September 11, 2006


An Important Message From Our CEO

CEO Joseph told the Kwerghny Brothers staff that in 2008 to 2009, he will report on Chungo in Egypt on TV and radio stations WAVM at the high school.
He will say:
This is WAVM speaking. Get the complete book of Chungo in Egypt on Ebay and buy it now for $5.85 plus tax. There will be a Benton City tax of 8% so add that to the cost.
He will deliver this message on the air in a deep and excited announcer voice.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Prestigious Award To Be Given By Bayasoft CEO

CEO Joseph has entered a contest sponsored by Mr. P. Berry, CEO of Bayasoft. The contest will determine who can win the most and the best privledges. Some of the privledges up for grabs are the right to blog, the right to use computers, the right cook and the right to play GameCube and GameBoy. We will be reporting on how well CEO Joseph does in the contest. The contestants will be asked to perform in the following catagories: Not yelling at their mother, not kicking, biting or screaming, not having tantrums, being nice to their brothers, and sharing electronic media.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


A Conversation With CEO Joseph

CEO Joseph reported today that the Kwerghny Brothers will get paid, but it wants to get paid with a bank check. He also stated that only trusted kids can use blogger. He speculated that the reason that only trusted kids can use blogger is because other kids might talk about personal things. He also wondered why some parents let their kids that are the CEO's age use the internet. Perhaps, he observed, those parents aren't careful about safety. Joseph also wondered what html tags are for and requested that his staff ask blogger if they know what html tags are for. CEO Joseph also wondered aloud why criminals make web pages. These are serious issues that will be discussed again in future meetings.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


This Could Really Happen

Saturday, September 02, 2006


A New Look for the Kwerghny Brothers Online Newspaper

Wonderful news! Aunt Jane is getting ready to sell CEO Joseph's book on Ebay. In anticipation of the many hits that this site will get when CEO Joseph's book is posted for Ebay auction, the template for this blog page has been spruced up a little to make people want to be customers of the Kwerghny Brothers. The new colors will make the customers want to give the Kwerghny Brothers lots and lots and lots of money so that the employees of Kwerghny Brothers can get paid!
Hurrah for Kwerghny Brothers!
Hurrah for CEO Joseph!
Hurrah for Aunt Jane!
Hurrah for getting paid!


A Joke From CEO Joseph

Why does a duck do damage?

Because he quacks.

PS Do you get it?

Friday, September 01, 2006


A Change is Made

Recently we reported that a new site to sell only expensive items, that cost no less than $150 would be established by the Kwerghny Brothers that would be called . Instead it will be called . To post on write your name, address, price and what you are selling. To start, we will need $20 to buy a domin name. Aunt Jane only has $8, so she will have to save her money. will be available soon. Until then you can still accomplish what must happen on

Also try not to say "How dare they!?" because it might hurt people's feelings.

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