Monday, January 09, 2006


Mackanamese Animals

Dear CEO Joseph,
Could you make the Kwerghny Brothers publish books and articles and make movies about Mackanamese animals? Could you tell us what color they are and what word the Mackanamese people called them? Like in Latin the word canis (pronounced Can-is) means dog, and equus (pronounced Eck-kos) means horse. The Kwerghny Brother's customers would send you lots of money for books and magazines about Mackanamese fauna (see footnote 1).
Your truly,
A KB Customer (with lots of money burning a hole in my pocket.)
PS Please answer in the comment section.

Footnote 1. Fauna means animals

More than I disclosed in my Kwerghny Brothers job application. And my entire Latin repetoire is now at your service, great CEO!
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