Friday, August 25, 2006
Important Ticket

The Kwerghny Brothers really needs customers because Kwerghny Brothers really needs money. CEO Joseph can't pay people with stock certificates because Kwerghny Brothers doesn't really have money to back up the certificates. Kwerghny Brothers needs money so that anyone that works for Kwerghny Brothers can get paid.
CEO Joseph is wondering how old you have to be to get a bank check. His mother thought maybe a person neds to be 16 or 18 years old. CEO Joseph thought that maybe they had to be 12 years old. Because is it fair that they would have to be older? Bank checks are where you give people permission to get money from your account. If it doesn't cost money to have a checking account, how do bankers get paid?
CEO Joseph wants Kwerghny Brothers to pubish Chungo in Egypt and sell it on ebay.
CEO Joseph has to go to the doctor and have his ear vacumn cleaned. It doesn't hurt but afterward he will take ear medicine.
He would like to have a phone meeting at 3:57 PST or 6:57 EST.