Sunday, October 01, 2006


More On What CEO Joseph Is Thinking About

CEO Joseph has started writing the first book in the Mr. McCohen and Rodney series. The first book in the series is call Tib Bar and Joseph is working on it right now.
CEO Joseph also said that he has a friend in the seventh grade, named Richard but people call him Ricky. Twelve year olds are too quick to be kidnapped, but we still won't type Ricky's last name into the blog. If people bring swords to places where they might be kidnapped, or very sharp knives, they can escape by cutting the rope. If twelve year olds have cell phones and they were going to be kidnapped...
Do police have helocopters?
Usually when kidnappers try to kidnap 12 year olds or teenagers, they can't do it. They might be strong enough to throw the kidnapper against the wall and they might pass out. Pass out means to not be able to speak or move a muscle for a while. They would still be breathing and could still hear.
Then CEO Joseph said "Let's talk about something else."
CEO Joseph asked if his employee had phone service at her house. He said when he got off the phone to check the mailbox and see if his letter had arrived and send a message saying whether it had arrived.
CEO Joseph went on to say that some people try to solve the problem of people trying to kidnap them by doing something wrong, like cutting of the kidnappers arms. That is not a good way to solve the problem. Maybe you can use an emergency detector; Put the eye (the lens) in dangerous places and the police will see it. They need to type the address first or when the police see it they won't be able to go help. Burglars are people who break into houses or buildings to steal things. With Detector Shields, it still goes through it but when it touches it scares the attacker or kidnapper away. When it goes through, the cop comes and scares them away.
CEO Joseph, your employee may have made some mistakes in this article, especailly about the detector shield. If you see any mistakes could you please type the correction into the comments?

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