Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Donations Needed To Build An Amusement Park

CEO Joseph has announced that The Kwerghny Brothers will collect donations to build an amusement park. Do you know what it will be called? KwerghnyLand. And the first ride constructed will be called the Barrel Roll. You can't go on the ride if you are less than 4'6" unles you are over 9 years old.
CEO Joseph notes that it is very expensive to build an amusement park. It will cost $250 to go there and $2 per ticket.
We will have to decide where KwerghnyLand will be. There will also be something called The Kwirlling Kwerghny Kwoaster which will be a roller coaster.

Can you change "the first ride made" to read "the first ride constructed." Thank you.

Secretary to the Management
I can't wait for KwerghnyLand to open!
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